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- {*******************************************************}
- { }
- { Delphi VCL Extensions (RX) }
- { }
- { Copyright (c) 2001,2002 SGB Software }
- { Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Fedor Koshevnikov, }
- { Igor Pavluk and Serge Korolev }
- { }
- {*******************************************************}
- unit RxGIF;
- interface
- {$I RX.INC}
- uses Windows, RTLConsts, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, RxGraph;
- const
- RT_GIF = 'GIF'; { GIF Resource Type }
- type
- TProgressStage = (psStarting, psRunning, psEnding);
- TProgressEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage;
- PercentDone: Byte; RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect;
- const Msg: string) of object;
- { TSharedImage }
- TSharedImage = class
- private
- FRefCount: Integer;
- protected
- procedure Reference;
- procedure Release;
- procedure FreeHandle; virtual; abstract;
- property RefCount: Integer read FRefCount;
- end;
- {$ENDIF RX_D3}
- TGIFVersion = (gvUnknown, gv87a, gv89a);
- TGIFBits = 1..8;
- TDisposalMethod = (dmUndefined, dmLeave, dmRestoreBackground,
- dmRestorePrevious, dmReserved4, dmReserved5, dmReserved6, dmReserved7);
- TGIFColorItem = packed record
- Red, Green, Blue: Byte;
- end;
- TGIFColorTable = packed record
- Count: Integer;
- Colors: packed array[Byte] of TGIFColorItem;
- end;
- TGIFFrame = class;
- TGIFData = class;
- TGIFItem = class;
- { TGIFImage }
- TGIFImage = class(TGraphic)
- private
- FImage: TGIFData;
- FVersion: TGIFVersion;
- FItems: TList;
- FFrameIndex: Integer;
- FScreenWidth: Word;
- FScreenHeight: Word;
- FBackgroundColor: TColor;
- FLooping: Boolean;
- FCorrupted: Boolean;
- FRepeatCount: Word;
- FOnProgress: TProgressEvent;
- {$ENDIF}
- function GetBitmap: TBitmap;
- function GetCount: Integer;
- function GetComment: TStrings;
- function GetScreenWidth: Integer;
- function GetScreenHeight: Integer;
- function GetGlobalColorCount: Integer;
- procedure UpdateScreenSize;
- procedure SetComment(Value: TStrings);
- function GetFrame(Index: Integer): TGIFFrame;
- procedure SetFrameIndex(Value: Integer);
- procedure SetBackgroundColor(Value: TColor);
- procedure SetLooping(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetRepeatCount(Value: Word);
- procedure ReadSignature(Stream: TStream);
- procedure DoProgress(Stage: TProgressStage; PercentDone: Byte;
- const Msg: string);
- function GetCorrupted: Boolean;
- function GetTransparentColor: TColor;
- function GetBackgroundColor: TColor;
- function GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
- procedure EncodeFrames(ReverseDecode: Boolean);
- procedure ReadStream(Size: Longint; Stream: TStream; ForceDecode: Boolean);
- procedure WriteStream(Stream: TStream; WriteSize: Boolean);
- protected
- procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect); override;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- function Equals(Graphic: TGraphic): Boolean; override;
- {$ENDIF}
- function GetEmpty: Boolean; override;
- function GetHeight: Integer; override;
- function GetWidth: Integer; override;
- function GetPalette: HPALETTE; {$IFDEF RX_D3} override; {$ENDIF}
- function GetTransparent: Boolean; {$IFDEF RX_D3} override; {$ENDIF}
- procedure ClearItems;
- procedure NewImage;
- procedure UniqueImage;
- procedure Progress(Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage;
- PercentDone: Byte; RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect;
- const Msg: string); dynamic;
- {$ENDIF}
- procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream); override;
- procedure SetHeight(Value: Integer); override;
- procedure SetWidth(Value: Integer); override;
- procedure WriteData(Stream: TStream); override;
- property Bitmap: TBitmap read GetBitmap; { volatile }
- public
- constructor Create; override;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure DecodeAllFrames;
- procedure EncodeAllFrames;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override;
- procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override;
- procedure LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat: Word; AData: THandle;
- APalette: HPALETTE); override;
- procedure SaveToClipboardFormat(var AFormat: Word; var AData: THandle;
- var APalette: HPALETTE); override;
- procedure LoadFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: string;
- ResType: PChar);
- procedure LoadFromResourceID(Instance: THandle; ResID: Integer;
- ResType: PChar);
- function AddFrame(Value: TGraphic): Integer; virtual;
- procedure DeleteFrame(Index: Integer);
- procedure MoveFrame(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
- procedure Grayscale(ForceEncoding: Boolean);
- property BackgroundColor: TColor read GetBackgroundColor write SetBackgroundColor;
- property Comment: TStrings read GetComment write SetComment;
- property Corrupted: Boolean read GetCorrupted;
- property Count: Integer read GetCount;
- property Frames[Index: Integer]: TGIFFrame read GetFrame; default;
- property FrameIndex: Integer read FFrameIndex write SetFrameIndex;
- property GlobalColorCount: Integer read GetGlobalColorCount;
- property Looping: Boolean read FLooping write SetLooping;
- property PixelFormat: TPixelFormat read GetPixelFormat;
- property RepeatCount: Word read FRepeatCount write SetRepeatCount;
- property ScreenWidth: Integer read GetScreenWidth;
- property ScreenHeight: Integer read GetScreenHeight;
- property TransparentColor: TColor read GetTransparentColor;
- property Version: TGIFVersion read FVersion;
- property Palette: HPALETTE read GetPalette;
- property Transparent: Boolean read GetTransparent;
- property OnProgress: TProgressEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress;
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- { TGIFFrame }
- TGIFFrame = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FOwner: TGIFImage;
- FBitmap: TBitmap;
- FImage: TGIFItem;
- FExtensions: TList;
- FTopLeft: TPoint;
- FInterlaced: Boolean;
- FCorrupted: Boolean;
- FGrayscale: Boolean;
- FTransparentColor: TColor;
- FAnimateInterval: Word;
- FDisposal: TDisposalMethod;
- FLocalColors: Boolean;
- function GetBitmap: TBitmap;
- function GetHeight: Integer;
- function GetWidth: Integer;
- function GetColorCount: Integer;
- function FindComment(ForceCreate: Boolean): TStrings;
- function GetComment: TStrings;
- procedure SetComment(Value: TStrings);
- procedure SetTransparentColor(Value: TColor);
- procedure SetDisposalMethod(Value: TDisposalMethod);
- procedure SetAnimateInterval(Value: Word);
- procedure SetTopLeft(const Value: TPoint);
- procedure NewBitmap;
- procedure NewImage;
- procedure SaveToBitmapStream(Stream: TMemoryStream);
- procedure EncodeBitmapStream(Stream: TMemoryStream);
- procedure EncodeRasterData;
- procedure UpdateExtensions;
- procedure WriteImageDescriptor(Stream: TStream);
- procedure WriteLocalColorMap(Stream: TStream);
- procedure WriteRasterData(Stream: TStream);
- protected
- constructor Create(AOwner: TGIFImage); virtual;
- procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override;
- procedure GrayscaleImage(ForceEncoding: Boolean);
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect;
- Transparent: Boolean);
- property AnimateInterval: Word read FAnimateInterval write SetAnimateInterval;
- property Bitmap: TBitmap read GetBitmap; { volatile }
- property ColorCount: Integer read GetColorCount;
- property Comment: TStrings read GetComment write SetComment;
- property DisposalMethod: TDisposalMethod read FDisposal write SetDisposalMethod;
- property Interlaced: Boolean read FInterlaced;
- property Corrupted: Boolean read FCorrupted;
- property TransparentColor: TColor read FTransparentColor write SetTransparentColor;
- property Origin: TPoint read FTopLeft write SetTopLeft;
- property Height: Integer read GetHeight;
- property Width: Integer read GetWidth;
- end;
- { TGIFData }
- TGIFData = class(TSharedImage)
- private
- FComment: TStrings;
- FAspectRatio: Byte;
- FBitsPerPixel: Byte;
- FColorResBits: Byte;
- FColorMap: TGIFColorTable;
- protected
- procedure FreeHandle; override;
- public
- constructor Create;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- { TGIFItem }
- TGIFItem = class(TSharedImage)
- private
- FImageData: TMemoryStream;
- FSize: TPoint;
- FPackedFields: Byte;
- FBitsPerPixel: Byte;
- FColorMap: TGIFColorTable;
- protected
- procedure FreeHandle; override;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- { Clipboard format for GIF image }
- var
- CF_GIF: Word;
- { Load incomplete or corrupted images without exceptions }
- const
- GIFLoadCorrupted: Boolean = True;
- function GIFVersionName(Version: TGIFVersion): string;
- procedure rxgif_dummy;
- implementation
- uses Consts, {$IFNDEF WIN32} Str16, {$ENDIF} VclUtils, AniFile, RxConst,
- MaxMin, RxGConst;
- {$R-}
- procedure rxgif_dummy;
- begin
- end;
- procedure GifError(const Msg: string);
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- function ReturnAddr: Pointer;
- asm
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- function ReturnAddr: Pointer; assembler;
- asm
- MOV AX,[BP].Word[2]
- MOV DX,[BP].Word[4]
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- begin
- raise EInvalidGraphicOperation.Create(Msg) at ReturnAddr;
- end;
- { TSharedImage }
- procedure TSharedImage.Reference;
- begin
- Inc(FRefCount);
- end;
- procedure TSharedImage.Release;
- begin
- if Pointer(Self) <> nil then begin
- Dec(FRefCount);
- if FRefCount = 0 then begin
- FreeHandle;
- Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- GIFSignature = 'GIF';
- GIFVersionStr: array[TGIFVersion] of PChar = (#0#0#0, '87a', '89a');
- function GIFVersionName(Version: TGIFVersion): string;
- begin
- Result := StrPas(GIFVersionStr[Version]);
- end;
- const
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 17777;
- {$ELSE}
- HASH_TABLE_SIZE = MaxListSize - $10;
- {$ENDIF}
- MAX_LOOP_COUNT = 30000;
- CHR_TRAILER = ';'; { indicates the end of the GIF Data stream }
- { Image descriptor bit masks }
- ID_LOCAL_COLOR_TABLE = $80; { set if a local color table follows }
- ID_INTERLACED = $40; { set if image is interlaced }
- ID_SORT = $20; { set if color table is sorted }
- ID_RESERVED = $0C; { reserved - must be set to $00 }
- ID_COLOR_TABLE_SIZE = $07; { Size of color table as above }
- { Logical screen descriptor packed field masks }
- LSD_GLOBAL_COLOR_TABLE = $80; { set if global color table follows L.S.D. }
- LSD_COLOR_RESOLUTION = $70; { Color resolution - 3 bits }
- LSD_SORT = $08; { set if global color table is sorted - 1 bit }
- LSD_COLOR_TABLE_SIZE = $07; { Size of global color table - 3 bits }
- { Actual Size = 2^value+1 - value is 3 bits }
- { Graphic control extension packed field masks }
- GCE_TRANSPARENT = $01; { whether a transparency Index is given }
- GCE_USER_INPUT = $02; { whether or not user input is expected }
- GCE_DISPOSAL_METHOD = $1C; { the way in which the graphic is to be treated after being displayed }
- GCE_RESERVED = $E0; { reserved - must be set to $00 }
- { Application extension }
- AE_LOOPING = $01; { looping Netscape extension }
- GIFColors: array[TGIFBits] of Word = (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256);
- function ColorsToBits(ColorCount: Word): Byte; near;
- var
- I: TGIFBits;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- for I := Low(TGIFBits) to High(TGIFBits) do
- if ColorCount = GIFColors[I] then begin
- Result := I;
- Exit;
- end;
- GifError(LoadStr(SWrongGIFColors));
- end;
- function ColorsToPixelFormat(Colors: Word): TPixelFormat;
- begin
- if Colors <= 2 then Result := pf1bit
- else if Colors <= 16 then Result := pf4bit
- else if Colors <= 256 then Result := pf8bit
- else Result := pf24bit;
- end;
- function ItemToRGB(Item: TGIFColorItem): Longint; near;
- begin
- with Item do Result := RGB(Red, Green, Blue);
- end;
- function GrayColor(Color: TColor): TColor;
- var
- Index: Integer;
- begin
- Index := Byte(Longint(Word(GetRValue(Color)) * 77 +
- Word(GetGValue(Color)) * 150 + Word(GetBValue(Color)) * 29) shr 8);
- Result := RGB(Index, Index, Index);
- end;
- procedure GrayColorTable(var ColorTable: TGIFColorTable);
- var
- I: Byte;
- Index: Integer;
- begin
- for I := 0 to ColorTable.Count - 1 do begin
- with ColorTable.Colors[I] do begin
- Index := Byte(Longint(Word(Red) * 77 + Word(Green) * 150 +
- Word(Blue) * 29) shr 8);
- Red := Index;
- Green := Index;
- Blue := Index;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function FindColorIndex(const ColorTable: TGIFColorTable;
- Color: TColor): Integer;
- begin
- if (Color <> clNone) then
- for Result := 0 to ColorTable.Count - 1 do
- if ItemToRGB(ColorTable.Colors[Result]) = ColorToRGB(Color) then Exit;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- { The following types and function declarations are used to call into
- functions of the GIF implementation of the GIF image
- compression/decompression standard. }
- type
- TGIFHeader = packed record
- Signature: array[0..2] of Char; { contains 'GIF' }
- Version: array[0..2] of Char; { '87a' or '89a' }
- end;
- TScreenDescriptor = packed record
- ScreenWidth: Word; { logical screen width }
- ScreenHeight: Word; { logical screen height }
- PackedFields: Byte;
- BackgroundColorIndex: Byte; { Index to global color table }
- AspectRatio: Byte; { actual ratio = (AspectRatio + 15) / 64 }
- end;
- TImageDescriptor = packed record
- ImageLeftPos: Word; { column in pixels in respect to left of logical screen }
- ImageTopPos: Word; { row in pixels in respect to top of logical screen }
- ImageWidth: Word; { width of image in pixels }
- ImageHeight: Word; { height of image in pixels }
- PackedFields: Byte;
- end;
- { GIF Extensions support }
- type
- TExtensionType = (etGraphic, etPlainText, etApplication, etComment);
- const
- ExtLabels: array[TExtensionType] of Byte = ($F9, $01, $FF, $FE);
- LoopExtNS: string[11] = 'NETSCAPE2.0';
- LoopExtAN: string[11] = 'ANIMEXTS1.0';
- type
- TGraphicControlExtension = packed record
- BlockSize: Byte; { should be 4 }
- PackedFields: Byte;
- DelayTime: Word; { in centiseconds }
- TransparentColorIndex: Byte;
- Terminator: Byte;
- end;
- TPlainTextExtension = packed record
- BlockSize: Byte; { should be 12 }
- Left, Top, Width, Height: Word;
- CellWidth, CellHeight: Byte;
- FGColorIndex, BGColorIndex: Byte;
- end;
- TAppExtension = packed record
- BlockSize: Byte; { should be 11 }
- AppId: array[1..8] of Byte;
- Authentication: array[1..3] of Byte;
- end;
- TExtensionRecord = packed record
- case ExtensionType: TExtensionType of
- etGraphic: (GCE: TGraphicControlExtension);
- etPlainText: (PTE: TPlainTextExtension);
- etApplication: (APPE: TAppExtension);
- end;
- { TExtension }
- TExtension = class(TPersistent)
- private
- FExtType: TExtensionType;
- FData: TStrings;
- FExtRec: TExtensionRecord;
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override;
- function IsLoopExtension: Boolean;
- end;
- destructor TExtension.Destroy;
- begin
- FData.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TExtension.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- begin
- if (Source <> nil) and (Source is TExtension) then begin
- FExtType := TExtension(Source).FExtType;
- FExtRec := TExtension(Source).FExtRec;
- if TExtension(Source).FData <> nil then begin
- if FData = nil then FData := TStringList.Create;
- FData.Assign(TExtension(Source).FData);
- end;
- end
- else inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- function TExtension.IsLoopExtension: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (FExtType = etApplication) and (FData.Count > 0) and
- (CompareMem(@FExtRec.APPE.AppId, @LoopExtNS[1], FExtRec.APPE.BlockSize) or
- CompareMem(@FExtRec.APPE.AppId, @LoopExtAN[1], FExtRec.APPE.BlockSize)) and
- (Length(FData[0]) >= 3) and (Byte(FData[0][1]) = AE_LOOPING);
- end;
- procedure FreeExtensions(Extensions: TList); near;
- begin
- if Extensions <> nil then begin
- while Extensions.Count > 0 do begin
- TObject(Extensions[0]).Free;
- Extensions.Delete(0);
- end;
- Extensions.Free;
- end;
- end;
- function FindExtension(Extensions: TList; ExtType: TExtensionType): TExtension;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- if Extensions <> nil then
- for I := Extensions.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
- Result := TExtension(Extensions[I]);
- if (Result <> nil) and (Result.FExtType = ExtType) then Exit;
- end;
- Result := nil;
- end;
- {
- function CopyExtensions(Source: TList): TList; near;
- var
- I: Integer;
- Ext: TExtension;
- begin
- Result := TList.Create;
- try
- for I := 0 to Source.Count - 1 do
- if (Source[I] <> nil) and (TObject(Source[I]) is TExtension) then begin
- Ext := TExtension.Create;
- try
- Ext.Assign(Source[I]);
- Result.Add(Ext);
- except
- Ext.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- except
- Result.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- }
- type
- TProgressProc = procedure (Stage: TProgressStage; PercentDone: Byte;
- const Msg: string) of object;
- { GIF reading/writing routines
- Procedures to read and write GIF files, GIF-decoding and encoding
- based on freeware C source code of GBM package by Andy Key
- (nyangau@interalpha.co.uk). The home page of GBM author is
- at http://www.interalpha.net/customer/nyangau/. }
- type
- PIntCodeTable = ^TIntCodeTable;
- TIntCodeTable = array[0..CODE_TABLE_SIZE - 1] of Word;
- PReadContext = ^TReadContext;
- TReadContext = record
- Inx, Size: Longint;
- Buf: array[0..255 + 4] of Byte;
- CodeSize: Longint;
- ReadMask: Longint;
- end;
- PWriteContext = ^TWriteContext;
- TWriteContext = record
- Inx: Longint;
- CodeSize: Longint;
- Buf: array[0..255 + 4] of Byte;
- end;
- TOutputContext = record
- W, H, X, Y: Longint;
- BitsPerPixel, Pass: Integer;
- Interlace: Boolean;
- LineIdent: Longint;
- Data, CurrLineData: Pointer;
- end;
- PImageDict = ^TImageDict;
- TImageDict = record
- Tail, Index: Word;
- Col: Byte;
- end;
- PDictTable = ^TDictTable;
- TDictTable = array[0..CODE_TABLE_SIZE - 1] of TImageDict;
- PRGBPalette = ^TRGBPalette;
- TRGBPalette = array [Byte] of TRGBQuad;
- function InitHash(P: Longint): Longint;
- begin
- Result := (P + 3) * 301;
- end;
- function InterlaceStep(Y, Height: Integer; var Pass: Integer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := Y;
- case Pass of
- 0, 1: Inc(Result, 8);
- 2: Inc(Result, 4);
- 3: Inc(Result, 2);
- end;
- if Result >= Height then begin
- if Pass = 0 then begin
- Pass := 1; Result := 4;
- if (Result < Height) then Exit;
- end;
- if Pass = 1 then begin
- Pass := 2; Result := 2;
- if (Result < Height) then Exit;
- end;
- if Pass = 2 then begin
- Pass := 3; Result := 1;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure ReadImageStream(Stream, Dest: TStream; var Desc: TImageDescriptor;
- var Interlaced, LocalColors, Corrupted: Boolean; var BitsPerPixel: Byte;
- var ColorTable: TGIFColorTable);
- var
- CodeSize, BlockSize: Byte;
- begin
- Corrupted := False;
- Stream.ReadBuffer(Desc, SizeOf(TImageDescriptor));
- Interlaced := (Desc.PackedFields and ID_INTERLACED) <> 0;
- if (Desc.PackedFields and ID_LOCAL_COLOR_TABLE) <> 0 then
- begin
- { Local colors table follows }
- BitsPerPixel := 1 + Desc.PackedFields and ID_COLOR_TABLE_SIZE;
- LocalColors := True;
- ColorTable.Count := 1 shl BitsPerPixel;
- Stream.ReadBuffer(ColorTable.Colors[0],
- ColorTable.Count * SizeOf(TGIFColorItem));
- end
- else begin
- LocalColors := False;
- FillChar(ColorTable, SizeOf(ColorTable), 0);
- end;
- Stream.ReadBuffer(CodeSize, 1);
- Dest.Write(CodeSize, 1);
- repeat
- Stream.Read(BlockSize, 1);
- if (Stream.Position + BlockSize) > Stream.Size then begin
- Corrupted := True;
- Stream.Position := Stream.Size;
- Exit;
- end;
- Dest.Write(BlockSize, 1);
- if (Stream.Position + BlockSize) > Stream.Size then begin
- BlockSize := Stream.Size - Stream.Position;
- Corrupted := True;
- end;
- if BlockSize > 0 then Dest.CopyFrom(Stream, BlockSize);
- until (BlockSize = 0) or (Stream.Position >= Stream.Size);
- end;
- procedure FillRGBPalette(const ColorTable: TGIFColorTable;
- var Colors: TRGBPalette);
- var
- I: Byte;
- begin
- FillChar(Colors, SizeOf(Colors), $80);
- for I := 0 to ColorTable.Count - 1 do begin
- Colors[I].rgbRed := ColorTable.Colors[I].Red;
- Colors[I].rgbGreen := ColorTable.Colors[I].Green;
- Colors[I].rgbBlue := ColorTable.Colors[I].Blue;
- Colors[I].rgbReserved := 0;
- end;
- end;
- function ReadCode(Stream: TStream; var Context: TReadContext): Longint;
- var
- RawCode: Longint;
- ByteIndex: Longint;
- Bytes: Byte;
- BytesToLose: Longint;
- begin
- while (Context.Inx + Context.CodeSize > Context.Size) and
- (Stream.Position < Stream.Size) do
- begin
- { not enough bits in buffer - refill it }
- { Not very efficient, but infrequently called }
- BytesToLose := Context.Inx shr 3;
- { Note biggest Code Size is 12 bits. And this can at worst span 3 Bytes }
- Move(Context.Buf[Word(BytesToLose)], Context.Buf[0], 3);
- Context.Inx := Context.Inx and 7;
- Context.Size := Context.Size - (BytesToLose shl 3);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(Bytes, 1);
- if Bytes > 0 then
- Stream.ReadBuffer(Context.Buf[Word(Context.Size shr 3)], Bytes);
- Context.Size := Context.Size + (Bytes shl 3);
- end;
- ByteIndex := Context.Inx shr 3;
- RawCode := Context.Buf[Word(ByteIndex)] +
- (Word(Context.Buf[Word(ByteIndex + 1)]) shl 8);
- if Context.CodeSize > 8 then
- RawCode := RawCode + (Longint(Context.Buf[ByteIndex + 2]) shl 16);
- RawCode := RawCode shr (Context.Inx and 7);
- Context.Inx := Context.Inx + Byte(Context.CodeSize);
- Result := RawCode and Context.ReadMask;
- end;
- procedure Output(Value: Byte; var Context: TOutputContext);
- var
- P: PByte;
- begin
- if (Context.Y >= Context.H) then Exit;
- case Context.BitsPerPixel of
- 1: begin
- P := HugeOffset(Context.CurrLineData, Context.X shr 3);
- if (Context.X and $07 <> 0) then
- P^ := P^ or Word(value shl (7 - (Word(Context.X and 7))))
- else P^ := Byte(value shl 7);
- end;
- 4: begin
- P := HugeOffset(Context.CurrLineData, Context.X shr 1);
- if (Context.X and 1 <> 0) then P^ := P^ or Value
- else P^ := Byte(value shl 4);
- end;
- 8: begin
- P := HugeOffset(Context.CurrLineData, Context.X);
- P^ := Value;
- end;
- end;
- Inc(Context.X);
- if Context.X < Context.W then Exit;
- Context.X := 0;
- if Context.Interlace then
- Context.Y := InterlaceStep(Context.Y, Context.H, Context.Pass)
- else Inc(Context.Y);
- Context.CurrLineData := HugeOffset(Context.Data,
- (Context.H - 1 - Context.Y) * Context.LineIdent);
- end;
- procedure ReadGIFData(Stream: TStream; const Header: TBitmapInfoHeader;
- Interlaced, LoadCorrupt: Boolean; IntBitPerPixel: Byte; Data: Pointer;
- var Corrupted: Boolean; ProgressProc: TProgressProc);
- var
- MinCodeSize, Temp: Byte;
- MaxCode, BitMask, InitCodeSize: Longint;
- ClearCode, EndingCode, FirstFreeCode, FreeCode: Word;
- I, OutCount, Code: Longint;
- CurCode, OldCode, InCode, FinalChar: Word;
- Prefix, Suffix, OutCode: PIntCodeTable;
- ReadCtxt: TReadContext;
- OutCtxt: TOutputContext;
- TableFull: Boolean;
- begin
- Corrupted := False;
- OutCount := 0; OldCode := 0; FinalChar := 0;
- TableFull := False;
- Prefix := AllocMem(SizeOf(TIntCodeTable));
- try
- Suffix := AllocMem(SizeOf(TIntCodeTable));
- try
- OutCode := AllocMem(SizeOf(TIntCodeTable) + SizeOf(Word));
- try
- if Assigned(ProgressProc) then ProgressProc(psStarting, 0, '');
- try
- Stream.ReadBuffer(MinCodeSize, 1);
- if (MinCodeSize < 2) or (MinCodeSize > 9) then begin
- if LoadCorrupt then begin
- Corrupted := True;
- MinCodeSize := Max(2, Min(MinCodeSize, 9));
- end
- else GifError(LoadStr(SBadGIFCodeSize));
- end;
- { Initial read context }
- ReadCtxt.Inx := 0;
- ReadCtxt.Size := 0;
- ReadCtxt.CodeSize := MinCodeSize + 1;
- ReadCtxt.ReadMask := (1 shl ReadCtxt.CodeSize) - 1;
- { Initialise pixel-output context }
- OutCtxt.X := 0; OutCtxt.Y := 0;
- OutCtxt.Pass := 0;
- OutCtxt.W := Header.biWidth;
- OutCtxt.H := Header.biHeight;
- OutCtxt.BitsPerPixel := Header.biBitCount;
- OutCtxt.Interlace := Interlaced;
- OutCtxt.LineIdent := ((Header.biWidth * Header.biBitCount + 31)
- div 32) * 4;
- OutCtxt.Data := Data;
- OutCtxt.CurrLineData := HugeOffset(Data, (Header.biHeight - 1) *
- OutCtxt.LineIdent);
- BitMask := (1 shl IntBitPerPixel) - 1;
- { 2 ^ MinCodeSize accounts for all colours in file }
- ClearCode := 1 shl MinCodeSize;
- EndingCode := ClearCode + 1;
- FreeCode := ClearCode + 2;
- FirstFreeCode := FreeCode;
- { 2^ (MinCodeSize + 1) includes clear and eoi Code and space too }
- InitCodeSize := ReadCtxt.CodeSize;
- MaxCode := 1 shl ReadCtxt.CodeSize;
- Code := ReadCode(Stream, ReadCtxt);
- while (Code <> EndingCode) and (Code <> $FFFF) and
- (OutCtxt.Y < OutCtxt.H) do
- begin
- if (Code = ClearCode) then begin
- ReadCtxt.CodeSize := InitCodeSize;
- MaxCode := 1 shl ReadCtxt.CodeSize;
- ReadCtxt.ReadMask := MaxCode - 1;
- FreeCode := FirstFreeCode;
- Code := ReadCode(Stream, ReadCtxt);
- CurCode := Code; OldCode := Code;
- if (Code = $FFFF) then Break;
- FinalChar := (CurCode and BitMask);
- Output(Byte(FinalChar), OutCtxt);
- TableFull := False;
- end
- else begin
- CurCode := Code;
- InCode := Code;
- if CurCode >= FreeCode then begin
- CurCode := OldCode;
- OutCode^[OutCount] := FinalChar;
- Inc(OutCount);
- end;
- while (CurCode > BitMask) do begin
- if (OutCount > CODE_TABLE_SIZE) then begin
- if LoadCorrupt then begin
- CurCode := BitMask;
- OutCount := 1;
- Corrupted := True;
- Break;
- end
- else GifError(LoadStr(SGIFDecodeError));
- end;
- OutCode^[OutCount] := Suffix^[CurCode];
- Inc(OutCount);
- CurCode := Prefix^[CurCode];
- end;
- if Corrupted then Break;
- FinalChar := CurCode and BitMask;
- OutCode^[OutCount] := FinalChar;
- Inc(OutCount);
- for I := OutCount - 1 downto 0 do
- Output(Byte(OutCode^[I]), OutCtxt);
- OutCount := 0;
- { Update dictionary }
- if not TableFull then begin
- Prefix^[FreeCode] := OldCode;
- Suffix^[FreeCode] := FinalChar;
- { Advance to next free slot }
- Inc(FreeCode);
- if (FreeCode >= MaxCode) then begin
- if (ReadCtxt.CodeSize < 12) then begin
- Inc(ReadCtxt.CodeSize);
- MaxCode := MaxCode shl 1;
- ReadCtxt.ReadMask := (1 shl ReadCtxt.CodeSize) - 1;
- end
- else TableFull := True;
- end;
- end;
- OldCode := InCode;
- end;
- Code := ReadCode(Stream, ReadCtxt);
- if Stream.Size > 0 then begin
- Temp := Trunc(100.0 * (Stream.Position / Stream.Size));
- if Assigned(ProgressProc) then ProgressProc(psRunning, Temp, '');
- end;
- end; { while }
- if Code = $FFFF then GifError(ResStr(SReadError));
- finally
- if Assigned(ProgressProc) then begin
- if ExceptObject = nil then ProgressProc(psEnding, 100, '')
- else ProgressProc(psEnding, 0, Exception(ExceptObject).Message);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(OutCode, SizeOf(TIntCodeTable) + SizeOf(Word));
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(Suffix, SizeOf(TIntCodeTable));
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(Prefix, SizeOf(TIntCodeTable));
- end;
- end;
- procedure WriteCode(Stream: TStream; Code: Longint;
- var Context: TWriteContext);
- var
- BufIndex: Longint;
- Bytes: Byte;
- begin
- BufIndex := Context.Inx shr 3;
- Code := Code shl (Context.Inx and 7);
- Context.Buf[BufIndex] := Context.Buf[BufIndex] or (Code);
- Context.Buf[BufIndex + 1] := (Code shr 8);
- Context.Buf[BufIndex + 2] := (Code shr 16);
- Context.Inx := Context.Inx + Context.CodeSize;
- if Context.Inx >= 255 * 8 then begin
- { Flush out full buffer }
- Bytes := 255;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Bytes, 1);
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Context.Buf, Bytes);
- Move(Context.Buf[255], Context.Buf[0], 2);
- FillChar(Context.Buf[2], 255, 0);
- Context.Inx := Context.Inx - (255 * 8);
- end;
- end;
- procedure FlushCode(Stream: TStream; var Context: TWriteContext);
- var
- Bytes: Byte;
- begin
- Bytes := (Context.Inx + 7) shr 3;
- if Bytes > 0 then begin
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Bytes, 1);
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Context.Buf, Bytes);
- end;
- { Data block terminator - a block of zero Size }
- Bytes := 0;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Bytes, 1);
- end;
- procedure FillColorTable(var ColorTable: TGIFColorTable;
- const Colors: TRGBPalette; Count: Integer);
- var
- I: Byte;
- begin
- FillChar(ColorTable, SizeOf(ColorTable), 0);
- ColorTable.Count := Min(256, Count);
- for I := 0 to ColorTable.Count - 1 do begin
- ColorTable.Colors[I].Red := Colors[I].rgbRed;
- ColorTable.Colors[I].Green := Colors[I].rgbGreen;
- ColorTable.Colors[I].Blue := Colors[I].rgbBlue;
- end;
- end;
- procedure WriteGIFData(Stream: TStream; var Header: TBitmapInfoHeader;
- Interlaced: Boolean; Data: Pointer; ProgressProc: TProgressProc);
- { LZW encode data }
- var
- LineIdent: Longint;
- MinCodeSize, Col, Temp: Byte;
- InitCodeSize, X, Y: Longint;
- Pass: Integer;
- MaxCode: Longint; { 1 shl CodeSize }
- ClearCode, EndingCode, LastCode, Tail: Longint;
- I, HashValue: Longint;
- LenString: Word;
- Dict: PDictTable;
- HashTable: TList;
- PData: PByte;
- WriteCtxt: TWriteContext;
- begin
- LineIdent := ((Header.biWidth * Header.biBitCount + 31) div 32) * 4;
- Tail := 0; HashValue := 0;
- Dict := AllocMem(SizeOf(TDictTable));
- try
- HashTable := TList.Create;
- try
- for I := 0 to HASH_TABLE_SIZE - 1 do HashTable.Add(nil);
- { Initialise encoder variables }
- InitCodeSize := Header.biBitCount + 1;
- if InitCodeSize = 2 then Inc(InitCodeSize);
- MinCodeSize := InitCodeSize - 1;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(MinCodeSize, 1);
- ClearCode := 1 shl MinCodeSize;
- EndingCode := ClearCode + 1;
- LastCode := EndingCode;
- MaxCode := 1 shl InitCodeSize;
- LenString := 0;
- { Setup write context }
- WriteCtxt.Inx := 0;
- WriteCtxt.CodeSize := InitCodeSize;
- FillChar(WriteCtxt.Buf, SizeOf(WriteCtxt.Buf), 0);
- WriteCode(Stream, ClearCode, WriteCtxt);
- for I := 0 to HASH_TABLE_SIZE - 1 do HashTable[I] := nil;
- Data := HugeOffset(Data, (Header.biHeight - 1) * LineIdent);
- Y := 0; Pass := 0;
- if Assigned(ProgressProc) then ProgressProc(psStarting, 0, '');
- try
- while (Y < Header.biHeight) do begin
- PData := HugeOffset(Data, -(Y * LineIdent));
- for X := 0 to Header.biWidth - 1 do begin
- case Header.biBitCount of
- 8: begin
- Col := PData^;
- PData := HugeOffset(PData, 1);
- end;
- 4: begin
- if X and 1 <> 0 then begin
- Col := PData^ and $0F;
- PData := HugeOffset(PData, 1);
- end
- else Col := PData^ shr 4;
- end;
- else { must be 1 }
- begin
- if X and 7 = 7 then begin
- Col := PData^ and 1;
- PData := HugeOffset(PData, 1);
- end
- else Col := (PData^ shr (7 - (X and $07))) and $01;
- end;
- end; { case }
- Inc(LenString);
- if LenString = 1 then begin
- Tail := Col;
- HashValue := InitHash(Col);
- end
- else begin
- HashValue := HashValue * (Col + LenString + 4);
- I := HashValue mod HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
- HashValue := HashValue mod HASH_TABLE_SIZE;
- while (HashTable[I] <> nil) and
- ((PImageDict(HashTable[I])^.Tail <> Tail) or
- (PImageDict(HashTable[I])^.Col <> Col)) do
- begin
- Inc(I);
- if (I >= HASH_TABLE_SIZE) then I := 0;
- end;
- if (HashTable[I] <> nil) then { Found in the strings table }
- Tail := PImageDict(HashTable[I])^.Index
- else begin
- { Not found }
- WriteCode(Stream, Tail, WriteCtxt);
- Inc(LastCode);
- HashTable[I] := @Dict^[LastCode];
- PImageDict(HashTable[I])^.Index := LastCode;
- PImageDict(HashTable[I])^.Tail := Tail;
- PImageDict(HashTable[I])^.Col := Col;
- Tail := Col;
- HashValue := InitHash(Col);
- LenString := 1;
- if (LastCode >= MaxCode) then begin
- { Next Code will be written longer }
- MaxCode := MaxCode shl 1;
- Inc(WriteCtxt.CodeSize);
- end
- else if (LastCode >= CODE_TABLE_SIZE - 2) then begin
- { Reset tables }
- WriteCode(Stream, Tail, WriteCtxt);
- WriteCode(Stream, ClearCode, WriteCtxt);
- LenString := 0;
- LastCode := EndingCode;
- WriteCtxt.CodeSize := InitCodeSize;
- MaxCode := 1 shl InitCodeSize;
- for I := 0 to HASH_TABLE_SIZE - 1 do HashTable[I] := nil;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end; { for X loop }
- if Interlaced then Y := InterlaceStep(Y, Header.biHeight, Pass)
- else Inc(Y);
- Temp := Trunc(100.0 * (Y / Header.biHeight));
- if Assigned(ProgressProc) then ProgressProc(psRunning, Temp, '');
- end; { while Y loop }
- WriteCode(Stream, Tail, WriteCtxt);
- WriteCode(Stream, EndingCode, WriteCtxt);
- FlushCode(Stream, WriteCtxt);
- finally
- if Assigned(ProgressProc) then begin
- if ExceptObject = nil then ProgressProc(psEnding, 100, '')
- else ProgressProc(psEnding, 0, Exception(ExceptObject).Message);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- HashTable.Free;
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(Dict, SizeOf(TDictTable));
- end;
- end;
- { TGIFItem }
- destructor TGIFItem.Destroy;
- begin
- FImageData.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TGIFItem.FreeHandle;
- begin
- if FImageData <> nil then FImageData.SetSize(0);
- end;
- { TGIFData }
- constructor TGIFData.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FComment := TStringList.Create;
- end;
- destructor TGIFData.Destroy;
- begin
- FComment.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TGIFData.FreeHandle;
- begin
- if FComment <> nil then FComment.Clear;
- end;
- { TGIFFrame }
- constructor TGIFFrame.Create(AOwner: TGIFImage);
- begin
- FOwner := AOwner;
- inherited Create;
- NewImage;
- end;
- destructor TGIFFrame.Destroy;
- begin
- FBitmap.Free;
- FreeExtensions(FExtensions);
- FImage.Release;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.SetAnimateInterval(Value: Word);
- begin
- if FAnimateInterval <> Value then begin
- FAnimateInterval := Value;
- if Value > 0 then FOwner.FVersion := gv89a;
- FOwner.Changed(FOwner);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.SetDisposalMethod(Value: TDisposalMethod);
- begin
- if FDisposal <> Value then begin
- FDisposal := Value;
- if Value <> dmUndefined then FOwner.FVersion := gv89a;
- FOwner.Changed(FOwner);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.SetTopLeft(const Value: TPoint);
- begin
- if (FTopLeft.X <> Value.X) or (FTopLeft.Y <> Value.Y) then begin
- FTopLeft.X := Value.X;
- FTopLeft.Y := Value.Y;
- FOwner.FScreenWidth := Max(FOwner.FScreenWidth,
- FImage.FSize.X + FTopLeft.X);
- FOwner.FScreenHeight := Max(FOwner.FScreenHeight,
- FImage.FSize.Y + FTopLeft.Y);
- FOwner.Changed(FOwner);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.SetTransparentColor(Value: TColor);
- begin
- if FTransparentColor <> Value then begin
- FTransparentColor := Value;
- if Value <> clNone then FOwner.FVersion := gv89a;
- FOwner.Changed(FOwner);
- end;
- end;
- function TGIFFrame.GetBitmap: TBitmap;
- var
- Mem: TMemoryStream;
- begin
- Result := FBitmap;
- if (Result = nil) or Result.Empty then begin
- NewBitmap;
- Result := FBitmap;
- if Assigned(FImage.FImageData) then
- try
- Mem := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- SaveToBitmapStream(Mem);
- FBitmap.LoadFromStream(Mem);
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- if not FBitmap.Monochrome then FBitmap.HandleType := bmDDB;
- {$ENDIF}
- finally
- Mem.Free;
- end;
- except
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TGIFFrame.GetHeight: Integer;
- begin
- if Assigned(FBitmap) or Assigned(FImage.FImageData) then
- Result := Bitmap.Height
- else Result := 0;
- end;
- function TGIFFrame.GetWidth: Integer;
- begin
- if Assigned(FBitmap) or Assigned(FImage.FImageData) then
- Result := Bitmap.Width
- else Result := 0;
- end;
- function TGIFFrame.GetColorCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FImage.FColormap.Count;
- if (Result = 0) and Assigned(FBitmap) and (FBitmap.Palette <> 0) then
- Result := PaletteEntries(FBitmap.Palette);
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.GrayscaleImage(ForceEncoding: Boolean);
- var
- Mem: TMemoryStream;
- TransIndex: Integer;
- begin
- if not FGrayscale and (Assigned(FBitmap) or
- Assigned(FImage.FImageData)) then
- begin
- if Assigned(FImage.FImageData) and (FImage.FColorMap.Count > 0) then begin
- FBitmap.Free;
- FBitmap := nil;
- TransIndex := FindColorIndex(FImage.FColorMap, FTransparentColor);
- GrayColorTable(FImage.FColorMap);
- if TransIndex >= 0 then
- FTransparentColor := ItemToRGB(FImage.FColorMap.Colors[TransIndex])
- else FTransparentColor := clNone;
- FGrayscale := True;
- try
- GetBitmap;
- except
- on EAbort do;
- else raise;
- end;
- end
- else begin
- Mem := BitmapToMemoryStream(Bitmap, pf8bit, mmGrayscale);
- try
- FImage.Release;
- FImage := TGIFItem.Create;
- FImage.Reference;
- if ForceEncoding then EncodeBitmapStream(Mem);
- FGrayscale := True;
- if FTransparentColor <> clNone then
- FTransparentColor := GrayColor(FTransparentColor);
- FBitmap.LoadFromStream(Mem);
- finally
- Mem.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- var
- AComment: TStrings;
- begin
- if Source = nil then begin
- NewImage;
- FBitmap.Free;
- FBitmap := nil;
- end
- else if (Source is TGIFFrame) then begin
- if Source <> Self then begin
- FImage.Release;
- FImage := TGIFFrame(Source).FImage;
- if TGIFFrame(Source).FOwner <> FOwner then FLocalColors := True
- else FLocalColors := TGIFFrame(Source).FLocalColors;
- FImage.Reference;
- FTopLeft := TGIFFrame(Source).FTopLeft;
- FInterlaced := TGIFFrame(Source).FInterlaced;
- if TGIFFrame(Source).FBitmap <> nil then begin
- NewBitmap;
- FBitmap.Assign(TGIFFrame(Source).FBitmap);
- end;
- FTransparentColor := TGIFFrame(Source).FTransparentColor;
- FAnimateInterval := TGIFFrame(Source).FAnimateInterval;
- FDisposal := TGIFFrame(Source).FDisposal;
- FGrayscale := TGIFFrame(Source).FGrayscale;
- FCorrupted := TGIFFrame(Source).FCorrupted;
- AComment := TGIFFrame(Source).FindComment(False);
- if (AComment <> nil) and (AComment.Count > 0) then
- SetComment(AComment);
- end;
- end
- else if Source is TGIFImage then begin
- if (TGIFImage(Source).Count > 0) then begin
- if (TGIFImage(Source).FrameIndex >= 0) then
- Assign(TGIFImage(Source).Frames[TGIFImage(Source).FrameIndex])
- else
- Assign(TGIFImage(Source).Frames[0]);
- end
- else Assign(nil);
- end
- else if Source is TGraphic then begin
- { TBitmap, TJPEGImage... }
- if TGraphic(Source).Empty then begin
- Assign(nil);
- Exit;
- end;
- NewImage;
- NewBitmap;
- try
- FBitmap.Assign(Source);
- if Source is TBitmap then
- FBitmap.Monochrome := TBitmap(Source).Monochrome;
- except
- FBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color := clFuchsia;
- FBitmap.Width := TGraphic(Source).Width;
- FBitmap.Height := TGraphic(Source).Height;
- FBitmap.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, TGraphic(Source));
- end;
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- if TGraphic(Source).Transparent then begin
- if Source is TBitmap then
- FTransparentColor := TBitmap(Source).TransparentColor
- else FTransparentColor := GetNearestColor(FBitmap.Canvas.Handle,
- ColorToRGB(FBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color));
- end;
- {$ELSE}
- if (Source is TIcon) or (Source is TMetafile) then
- FTransparentColor := GetNearestColor(FBitmap.Canvas.Handle,
- ColorToRGB(FBitmap.Canvas.Brush.Color));
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else inherited Assign(Source);
- if FOwner <> nil then FOwner.UpdateScreenSize;
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
- begin
- if (Dest is TGIFFrame) or (Dest is TGIFImage) then Dest.Assign(Self)
- else if Dest is TGraphic then begin
- Dest.Assign(Bitmap);
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- if (Dest is TBitmap) and (FTransparentColor <> clNone) then begin
- TBitmap(Dest).TransparentColor := GetNearestColor(
- TBitmap(Dest).Canvas.Handle, ColorToRGB(FTransparentColor));
- TBitmap(Dest).Transparent := True;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- end
- else inherited AssignTo(Dest);
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.NewBitmap;
- begin
- FBitmap.Free;
- FBitmap := TBitmap.Create;
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.NewImage;
- begin
- if FImage <> nil then FImage.Release;
- FImage := TGIFItem.Create;
- FImage.Reference;
- FGrayscale := False;
- FCorrupted := False;
- FTransparentColor := clNone;
- FTopLeft := Point(0, 0);
- FInterlaced := False;
- FLocalColors := False;
- FAnimateInterval := 0;
- FDisposal := dmUndefined;
- end;
- function TGIFFrame.FindComment(ForceCreate: Boolean): TStrings;
- var
- Ext: TExtension;
- begin
- Ext := FindExtension(FExtensions, etComment);
- if (Ext = nil) and ForceCreate then begin
- Ext := TExtension.Create;
- try
- Ext.FExtType := etComment;
- if FExtensions = nil then FExtensions := TList.Create;
- FExtensions.Add(Ext);
- except
- Ext.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- if (Ext <> nil) then begin
- if (Ext.FData = nil) and ForceCreate then
- Ext.FData := TStringList.Create;
- Result := Ext.FData;
- end
- else Result := nil;
- end;
- function TGIFFrame.GetComment: TStrings;
- begin
- Result := FindComment(True);
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.SetComment(Value: TStrings);
- begin
- GetComment.Assign(Value);
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.UpdateExtensions;
- var
- Ext: TExtension;
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Ext := FindExtension(FExtensions, etGraphic);
- if (FAnimateInterval > 0) or (FTransparentColor <> clNone) or
- (FDisposal <> dmUndefined) then
- begin
- if Ext = nil then begin
- Ext := TExtension.Create;
- Ext.FExtType := etGraphic;
- if FExtensions = nil then FExtensions := TList.Create;
- FExtensions.Add(Ext);
- with Ext.FExtRec.GCE do begin
- BlockSize := 4;
- PackedFields := 0;
- Terminator := 0;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if Ext <> nil then
- with Ext.FExtRec.GCE do begin
- DelayTime := FAnimateInterval div 10;
- I := FindColorIndex(FImage.FColorMap, FTransparentColor);
- if I >= 0 then begin
- TransparentColorIndex := I;
- PackedFields := PackedFields or GCE_TRANSPARENT;
- end
- else PackedFields := PackedFields and not GCE_TRANSPARENT;
- PackedFields := (PackedFields and not GCE_DISPOSAL_METHOD) or
- (Ord(FDisposal) shl 2);
- end;
- if FExtensions <> nil then
- for I := FExtensions.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
- Ext := TExtension(FExtensions[I]);
- if (Ext <> nil) and (Ext.FExtType = etComment) and
- ((Ext.FData = nil) or (Ext.FData.Count = 0)) then
- begin
- Ext.Free;
- FExtensions.Delete(I);
- end;
- end;
- if (FExtensions <> nil) and (FExtensions.Count > 0) then
- FOwner.FVersion := gv89a;
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.EncodeBitmapStream(Stream: TMemoryStream);
- var
- BI: PBitmapInfoHeader;
- ColorCount, W, H: Integer;
- Bits, Pal: Pointer;
- begin
- ColorCount := 0;
- Stream.Position := 0;
- BI := PBitmapInfoHeader(Longint(Stream.Memory) + SizeOf(TBitmapFileHeader));
- W := BI^.biWidth; H := BI^.biHeight;
- Pal := PRGBPalette(Longint(BI) + SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader));
- Bits := Pointer(Longword(Stream.Memory) + PBitmapFileHeader(Stream.Memory)^.bfOffBits);
- case BI^.biBitCount of
- 1: ColorCount := 2;
- 4: ColorCount := 16;
- 8: ColorCount := 256;
- else GifError(LoadStr(SGIFEncodeError));
- end;
- FInterlaced := False;
- FillColorTable(FImage.FColorMap, PRGBPalette(Pal)^, ColorCount);
- if FImage.FImageData = nil then FImage.FImageData := TMemoryStream.Create
- else FImage.FImageData.SetSize(0);
- try
- WriteGIFData(FImage.FImageData, BI^, FInterlaced, Bits, FOwner.DoProgress);
- except
- on EAbort do begin
- NewImage; { OnProgress can raise EAbort to cancel image save }
- raise;
- end
- else raise;
- end;
- FImage.FBitsPerPixel := 1;
- while FImage.FColorMap.Count > 1 shl FImage.FBitsPerPixel do
- Inc(FImage.FBitsPerPixel);
- if FOwner.FImage.FColorMap.Count = 0 then begin
- FOwner.FImage.FColorMap := FImage.FColorMap;
- FOwner.FImage.FBitsPerPixel := FImage.FBitsPerPixel;
- FLocalColors := False;
- end
- else FLocalColors := True;
- FImage.FSize.X := W; FImage.FSize.Y := H;
- FOwner.FScreenWidth := Max(FOwner.FScreenWidth, FImage.FSize.X + FTopLeft.X);
- FOwner.FScreenHeight := Max(FOwner.FScreenHeight, FImage.FSize.Y + FTopLeft.Y);
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.EncodeRasterData;
- var
- Method: TMappingMethod;
- Mem: TMemoryStream;
- begin
- if not Assigned(FBitmap) or FBitmap.Empty then GifError(LoadStr(SNoGIFData));
- if not (GetBitmapPixelFormat(FBitmap) in [pf1bit, pf4bit, pf8bit]) then
- begin
- if FGrayscale then Method := mmGrayscale
- else Method := DefaultMappingMethod;
- Mem := BitmapToMemoryStream(FBitmap, pf8bit, Method);
- if (Method = mmGrayscale) then FGrayscale := True;
- end
- else Mem := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- if Mem.Size = 0 then FBitmap.SaveToStream(Mem);
- EncodeBitmapStream(Mem);
- finally
- Mem.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.WriteImageDescriptor(Stream: TStream);
- var
- ImageDesc: TImageDescriptor;
- begin
- with ImageDesc do begin
- PackedFields := 0;
- if FLocalColors then begin
- FImage.FBitsPerPixel := 1;
- while FImage.FColorMap.Count > 1 shl FImage.FBitsPerPixel do
- Inc(FImage.FBitsPerPixel);
- PackedFields := (PackedFields or ID_LOCAL_COLOR_TABLE) +
- (FImage.FBitsPerPixel - 1);
- end;
- if FInterlaced then PackedFields := PackedFields or ID_INTERLACED;
- ImageLeftPos := FTopLeft.X;
- ImageTopPos := FTopLeft.Y;
- ImageWidth := FImage.FSize.X;
- ImageHeight := FImage.FSize.Y;
- end;
- Stream.Write(ImageDesc, SizeOf(TImageDescriptor));
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.WriteLocalColorMap(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- if FLocalColors then
- with FImage.FColorMap do
- Stream.Write(Colors[0], Count * SizeOf(TGIFColorItem));
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.WriteRasterData(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- Stream.WriteBuffer(FImage.FImageData.Memory^, FImage.FImageData.Size);
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.SaveToBitmapStream(Stream: TMemoryStream);
- function ConvertBitsPerPixel: TPixelFormat;
- begin
- Result := pfDevice;
- case FImage.FBitsPerPixel of
- 1: Result := pf1bit;
- 2..4: Result := pf4bit;
- 5..8: Result := pf8bit;
- else GifError(LoadStr(SWrongGIFColors));
- end;
- end;
- var
- HeaderSize: Longword;
- Length: Longword;
- BI: TBitmapInfoHeader;
- BitFile: TBitmapFileHeader;
- Colors: TRGBPalette;
- Bits: Pointer;
- Corrupt: Boolean;
- begin
- with BI do begin
- biSize := Sizeof(TBitmapInfoHeader);
- biWidth := FImage.FSize.X;
- biHeight := FImage.FSize.Y;
- biPlanes := 1;
- biBitCount := 0;
- case ConvertBitsPerPixel of
- pf1bit: biBitCount := 1;
- pf4bit: biBitCount := 4;
- pf8bit: biBitCount := 8;
- end;
- biCompression := BI_RGB;
- biSizeImage := (((biWidth * biBitCount + 31) div 32) * 4) * biHeight;
- biXPelsPerMeter := 0;
- biYPelsPerMeter := 0;
- biClrUsed := 0;
- biClrImportant := 0;
- end;
- HeaderSize := SizeOf(TBitmapFileHeader) + SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader) +
- SizeOf(TRGBQuad) * (1 shl BI.biBitCount);
- Length := HeaderSize + BI.biSizeImage;
- Stream.SetSize(0);
- Stream.Position := 0;
- with BitFile do begin
- bfType := $4D42; { BM }
- bfSize := Length;
- bfOffBits := HeaderSize;
- end;
- Stream.Write(BitFile, SizeOf(TBitmapFileHeader));
- Stream.Write(BI, SizeOf(TBitmapInfoHeader));
- FillRGBPalette(FImage.FColorMap, Colors);
- Stream.Write(Colors, SizeOf(TRGBQuad) * (1 shl BI.biBitCount));
- Bits := AllocMemo(BI.biSizeImage);
- try
- ZeroMemory(Bits, BI.biSizeImage);
- FImage.FImageData.Position := 0;
- ReadGIFData(FImage.FImageData, BI, FInterlaced, GIFLoadCorrupted,
- FImage.FBitsPerPixel, Bits, Corrupt, FOwner.DoProgress);
- FCorrupted := FCorrupted or Corrupt;
- Stream.WriteBuffer(Bits^, BI.biSizeImage);
- finally
- FreeMemo(Bits);
- end;
- Stream.Position := 0;
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- var
- ImageDesc: TImageDescriptor;
- I, TransIndex: Integer;
- begin
- FImage.FImageData := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- ReadImageStream(Stream, FImage.FImageData, ImageDesc, FInterlaced,
- FLocalColors, FCorrupted, FImage.FBitsPerPixel, FImage.FColorMap);
- if FCorrupted and not GIFLoadCorrupted then GifError(ResStr(SReadError));
- FImage.FImageData.Position := 0;
- with ImageDesc do begin
- if ImageHeight = 0 then ImageHeight := FOwner.FScreenHeight;
- if ImageWidth = 0 then ImageWidth := FOwner.FScreenWidth;
- FTopLeft := Point(ImageLeftPos, ImageTopPos);
- FImage.FSize := Point(ImageWidth, ImageHeight);
- FImage.FPackedFields := PackedFields;
- end;
- if not FLocalColors then FImage.FColorMap := FOwner.FImage.FColorMap;
- FAnimateInterval := 0;
- if FExtensions <> nil then begin
- for I := 0 to FExtensions.Count - 1 do
- with TExtension(FExtensions[I]) do
- if FExtType = etGraphic then begin
- if (FExtRec.GCE.PackedFields and GCE_TRANSPARENT) <> 0 then
- begin
- TransIndex := FExtRec.GCE.TransparentColorIndex;
- if FImage.FColorMap.Count > TransIndex then
- FTransparentColor := ItemToRGB(FImage.FColorMap.Colors[TransIndex]);
- end
- else FTransparentColor := clNone;
- FAnimateInterval := Max(FExtRec.GCE.DelayTime * 10,
- FAnimateInterval);
- FDisposal := TDisposalMethod((FExtRec.GCE.PackedFields and
- end;
- end;
- except
- FImage.FImageData.Free;
- FImage.FImageData := nil;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFFrame.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect;
- Transparent: Boolean);
- begin
- if (FTransparentColor <> clNone) and Transparent then begin
- with ARect do
- StretchBitmapRectTransparent(ACanvas, Left, Top, Right - Left,
- Bottom - Top, Bounds(0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height), Bitmap,
- FTransparentColor);
- end
- else ACanvas.StretchDraw(ARect, Bitmap);
- end;
- { TGIFImage }
- constructor TGIFImage.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- NewImage;
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- inherited SetTransparent(True);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- destructor TGIFImage.Destroy;
- begin
- OnChange := nil;
- FImage.Release;
- ClearItems;
- FItems.Free;
- inherited Destroy;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.Clear;
- begin
- Assign(nil);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.ClearItems;
- begin
- if FItems <> nil then
- while FItems.Count > 0 do begin
- TObject(FItems[0]).Free;
- FItems.Delete(0);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.Assign(Source: TPersistent);
- var
- I: Integer;
- AFrame: TGIFFrame;
- begin
- if (Source = nil) then begin
- NewImage;
- Changed(Self);
- end
- else if (Source is TGIFImage) and (Source <> Self) then begin
- FImage.Release;
- FImage := TGIFImage(Source).FImage;
- FImage.Reference;
- FVersion := TGIFImage(Source).FVersion;
- FBackgroundColor := TGIFImage(Source).FBackgroundColor;
- FRepeatCount := TGIFImage(Source).FRepeatCount;
- FLooping := TGIFImage(Source).FLooping;
- FCorrupted := TGIFImage(Source).FCorrupted;
- if FItems = nil then FItems := TList.Create
- else ClearItems;
- with TGIFImage(Source) do begin
- for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do begin
- AFrame := TGIFFrame.Create(Self);
- try
- AFrame.FImage.FBitsPerPixel :=
- TGIFFrame(FItems[I]).FImage.FBitsPerPixel;
- AFrame.Assign(TGIFFrame(FItems[I]));
- AFrame.FLocalColors := TGIFFrame(FItems[I]).FLocalColors;
- Self.FItems.Add(AFrame);
- except
- AFrame.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- Self.FScreenWidth := FScreenWidth;
- Self.FScreenHeight := FScreenHeight;
- end;
- FFrameIndex := TGIFImage(Source).FFrameIndex;
- Changed(Self);
- end
- else if Source is TGIFFrame then begin
- NewImage;
- with TGIFFrame(Source).FOwner.FImage do begin
- FImage.FAspectRatio := FAspectRatio;
- FImage.FBitsPerPixel := FBitsPerPixel;
- FImage.FColorResBits := FColorResBits;
- Move(FColorMap, FImage.FColorMap, SizeOf(FColorMap));
- end;
- FFrameIndex := FItems.Add(TGIFFrame.Create(Self));
- TGIFFrame(FItems[FFrameIndex]).Assign(Source);
- if FVersion = gvUnknown then FVersion := gv87a;
- Changed(Self);
- end
- else if Source is TBitmap then begin
- NewImage;
- AddFrame(TBitmap(Source));
- Changed(Self);
- end
- else if Source is TAnimatedCursorImage then begin
- NewImage;
- FBackgroundColor := clWindow;
- with TAnimatedCursorImage(Source) do begin
- for I := 0 to IconCount - 1 do begin
- AddFrame(TIcon(Icons[I]));
- Self.Frames[FrameIndex].FAnimateInterval :=
- Longint(Frames[I].JiffRate * 100) div 6;
- end;
- end;
- Changed(Self);
- end
- else inherited Assign(Source);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent);
- begin
- if Dest is TGIFImage then Dest.Assign(Self)
- else if Dest is TGraphic then begin
- if Empty then
- Dest.Assign(nil)
- else if FFrameIndex >= 0 then
- TGIFFrame(FItems[FFrameIndex]).AssignTo(Dest)
- else Dest.Assign(Bitmap);
- end
- else inherited AssignTo(Dest);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect);
- begin
- if FFrameIndex >= 0 then
- TGIFFrame(FItems[FFrameIndex]).Draw(ACanvas, ARect, Self.Transparent);
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetBackgroundColor: TColor;
- begin
- Result := FBackgroundColor;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.SetBackgroundColor(Value: TColor);
- begin
- if Value <> FBackgroundColor then begin
- FBackgroundColor := Value;
- Changed(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.SetLooping(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- if Value <> FLooping then begin
- FLooping := Value;
- Changed(Self);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.SetRepeatCount(Value: Word);
- begin
- if Min(Value, MAX_LOOP_COUNT) <> FRepeatCount then begin
- FRepeatCount := Min(Value, MAX_LOOP_COUNT);
- Changed(Self);
- end;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetPixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := pfDevice;
- if not Empty then begin
- Result := ColorsToPixelFormat(FImage.FColorMap.Count);
- for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do begin
- if (Frames[I].FImage.FImageData = nil) or
- (Frames[I].FImage.FImageData.Size = 0) then
- begin
- if Assigned(Frames[I].FBitmap) then
- Result := TPixelFormat(Max(Ord(Result),
- Ord(GetBitmapPixelFormat(Frames[I].FBitmap))))
- else Result := TPixelFormat(Max(Ord(Result), Ord(pfDevice)));
- end
- else if Frames[I].FLocalColors then
- Result := TPixelFormat(Max(Ord(Result),
- Ord(ColorsToPixelFormat(Frames[I].FImage.FColorMap.Count))));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetCorrupted: Boolean;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FCorrupted;
- if not Result then
- for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do
- if Frames[I].Corrupted then begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetTransparentColor: TColor;
- begin
- if (FItems.Count > 0) and (FFrameIndex >= 0) then
- Result := TGIFFrame(FItems[FFrameIndex]).FTransparentColor
- else Result := clNone;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FItems.Count;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetFrame(Index: Integer): TGIFFrame;
- begin
- Result := TGIFFrame(FItems[Index]);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.SetFrameIndex(Value: Integer);
- begin
- Value := Min(FItems.Count - 1, Max(-1, Value));
- if FFrameIndex <> Value then begin
- FFrameIndex := Value;
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- PaletteModified := True;
- {$ENDIF}
- Changed(Self);
- end;
- end;
- {$IFDEF WIN32}
- function TGIFImage.Equals(Graphic: TGraphic): Boolean;
- begin
- Result := (Graphic is TGIFImage) and
- (FImage = TGIFImage(Graphic).FImage);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- function TGIFImage.GetBitmap: TBitmap;
- var
- Bmp: TBitmap;
- begin
- if (FItems.Count > 0) then begin
- if (FFrameIndex >= 0) and (FFrameIndex < FItems.Count) then
- Result := TGIFFrame(FItems[FFrameIndex]).Bitmap
- else Result := TGIFFrame(FItems[0]).Bitmap
- end
- else begin
- FFrameIndex := 0;
- Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- Bmp.Handle := 0;
- Assign(Bmp);
- Result := TGIFFrame(FItems[FFrameIndex]).Bitmap;
- finally
- Bmp.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetGlobalColorCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := FImage.FColormap.Count;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetEmpty: Boolean;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- I := Max(FFrameIndex, 0);
- Result := (FItems.Count = 0) or
- ((TGIFFrame(FItems[I]).FBitmap = nil) and
- ((TGIFFrame(FItems[I]).FImage.FImageData = nil) or
- (TGIFFrame(FItems[I]).FImage.FImageData.Size = 0)));
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetPalette: HPalette;
- begin
- if FItems.Count > 0 then Result := Bitmap.Palette
- else Result := 0;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetTransparent: Boolean;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- if inherited GetTransparent then
- {$ENDIF}
- for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do
- if Frames[I].TransparentColor <> clNone then begin
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetHeight: Integer;
- begin
- if not Empty and (FFrameIndex >= 0) and (FFrameIndex < Count) then
- Result := TGIFFrame(FItems[FFrameIndex]).Bitmap.Height
- else Result := 0;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetWidth: Integer;
- begin
- if not Empty and (FFrameIndex >= 0) and (FFrameIndex < Count) then
- Result := TGIFFrame(FItems[FFrameIndex]).Bitmap.Width
- else Result := 0;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetScreenWidth: Integer;
- begin
- if Empty then Result := 0
- else Result := FScreenWidth;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetScreenHeight: Integer;
- begin
- if Empty then Result := 0
- else Result := FScreenHeight;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat: Word; AData: THandle;
- APalette: HPALETTE);
- var
- Bmp: TBitmap;
- Stream: TMemoryStream;
- Size: Longint;
- Buffer: Pointer;
- Data: THandle;
- begin
- { !! check for gif clipboard Data, mime type image/gif }
- Data := GetClipboardData(CF_GIF);
- if Data <> 0 then begin
- Buffer := GlobalLock(Data);
- try
- Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- Stream.Write(Buffer^, GlobalSize(Data));
- Stream.Position := 0;
- Stream.Read(Size, SizeOf(Size));
- ReadStream(Size, Stream, False);
- if Count > 0 then begin
- FFrameIndex := 0;
- AData := GetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP);
- if AData <> 0 then begin
- Frames[0].NewBitmap;
- Frames[0].FBitmap.LoadFromClipboardFormat(CF_BITMAP,
- AData, APalette);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- finally
- GlobalUnlock(Data);
- end;
- end
- else begin
- Bmp := TBitmap.Create;
- try
- Bmp.LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat, AData, APalette);
- Assign(Bmp);
- finally
- Bmp.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- ReadStream(Stream.Size - Stream.Position, Stream, True);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.LoadFromResourceName(Instance: THandle; const ResName: string;
- ResType: PChar);
- var
- Stream: TStream;
- begin
- Stream := TResourceStream.Create(Instance, ResName, ResType);
- try
- ReadStream(Stream.Size - Stream.Position, Stream, True);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.LoadFromResourceID(Instance: THandle; ResID: Integer;
- ResType: PChar);
- var
- Stream: TStream;
- begin
- Stream := TResourceStream.CreateFromID(Instance, ResID, ResType);
- try
- ReadStream(Stream.Size - Stream.Position, Stream, True);
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.UpdateScreenSize;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- FScreenWidth := 0;
- FScreenHeight := 0;
- for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do
- if Frames[I] <> nil then begin
- FScreenWidth := Max(FScreenWidth, Frames[I].Width +
- Frames[I].FTopLeft.X);
- FScreenHeight := Max(FScreenHeight, Frames[I].Height +
- Frames[I].FTopLeft.Y);
- end;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.AddFrame(Value: TGraphic): Integer;
- begin
- FFrameIndex := FItems.Add(TGIFFrame.Create(Self));
- TGIFFrame(FItems[FFrameIndex]).Assign(Value);
- if FVersion = gvUnknown then FVersion := gv87a;
- if FItems.Count > 1 then FVersion := gv89a;
- Result := FFrameIndex;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.DeleteFrame(Index: Integer);
- begin
- Frames[Index].Free;
- FItems.Delete(Index);
- UpdateScreenSize;
- if FFrameIndex >= FItems.Count then Dec(FFrameIndex);
- Changed(Self);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.MoveFrame(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
- begin
- FItems.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex);
- FFrameIndex := NewIndex;
- Changed(Self);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.NewImage;
- begin
- if FImage <> nil then FImage.Release;
- FImage := TGIFData.Create;
- FImage.Reference;
- if FItems = nil then FItems := TList.Create;
- ClearItems;
- FCorrupted := False;
- FFrameIndex := -1;
- FBackgroundColor := clNone;
- FRepeatCount := 1;
- FLooping := False;
- FVersion := gvUnknown;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.UniqueImage;
- var
- Temp: TGIFData;
- begin
- if FImage = nil then NewImage
- else if FImage.RefCount > 1 then begin
- Temp := TGIFData.Create;
- with Temp do
- try
- FComment.Assign(FImage.FComment);
- FAspectRatio := FImage.FAspectRatio;
- FBitsPerPixel := FImage.FBitsPerPixel;
- FColorResBits := FImage.FColorResBits;
- FColorMap := FImage.FColorMap;
- except
- Temp.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- FImage.Release;
- FImage := Temp;
- FImage.Reference;
- end;
- end;
- function TGIFImage.GetComment: TStrings;
- begin
- Result := FImage.FComment;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.SetComment(Value: TStrings);
- begin
- UniqueImage;
- FImage.FComment.Assign(Value);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.DecodeAllFrames;
- var
- FrameNo, I: Integer;
- begin
- for FrameNo := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do
- try
- TGIFFrame(FItems[FrameNo]).GetBitmap;
- except
- on EAbort do begin { OnProgress can raise EAbort to cancel image load }
- for I := FItems.Count - 1 downto FrameNo do begin
- TObject(FItems[I]).Free;
- FItems.Delete(I);
- end;
- FCorrupted := True;
- Break;
- end;
- else raise;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.EncodeFrames(ReverseDecode: Boolean);
- var
- FrameNo: Integer;
- begin
- for FrameNo := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do
- with TGIFFrame(FItems[FrameNo]) do begin
- if (FImage.FImageData = nil) or (FImage.FImageData.Size = 0) then
- begin
- FImage.FImageData.Free;
- FImage.FImageData := nil;
- EncodeRasterData;
- if ReverseDecode and (FBitmap.Palette = 0) then begin
- FBitmap.Free;
- FBitmap := nil;
- try
- GetBitmap;
- except
- on EAbort do; { OnProgress can raise EAbort to cancel encoding }
- else raise;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- UpdateExtensions;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.EncodeAllFrames;
- begin
- EncodeFrames(True);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.ReadData(Stream: TStream);
- var
- Size: Longint;
- begin
- Stream.Read(Size, SizeOf(Size));
- ReadStream(Size, Stream, True);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.ReadSignature(Stream: TStream);
- var
- I: TGIFVersion;
- S: string[3];
- begin
- FVersion := gvUnknown;
- SetLength(S, 3);
- Stream.Read(S[1], 3);
- if CompareText(GIFSignature, S) <> 0 then GifError(LoadStr(SGIFVersion));
- SetLength(S, 3);
- Stream.Read(S[1], 3);
- for I := Low(TGIFVersion) to High(TGIFVersion) do
- if CompareText(S, StrPas(GIFVersionStr[I])) = 0 then begin
- FVersion := I;
- Break;
- end;
- if FVersion = gvUnknown then GifError(LoadStr(SGIFVersion));
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.ReadStream(Size: Longint; Stream: TStream;
- ForceDecode: Boolean);
- var
- SeparatorChar: Char;
- NewItem: TGIFFrame;
- Extensions: TList;
- ScreenDesc: TScreenDescriptor;
- Data: TMemoryStream;
- procedure ReadScreenDescriptor(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- Stream.Read(ScreenDesc, SizeOf(ScreenDesc));
- FScreenWidth := ScreenDesc.ScreenWidth;
- FScreenHeight := ScreenDesc.ScreenHeight;
- with FImage do begin
- FAspectRatio := ScreenDesc.AspectRatio;
- FBitsPerPixel := 1 + (ScreenDesc.PackedFields and
- FColorResBits := 1 + (ScreenDesc.PackedFields and
- end;
- end;
- procedure ReadGlobalColorMap(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- if (ScreenDesc.PackedFields and LSD_GLOBAL_COLOR_TABLE) <> 0 then
- with FImage.FColorMap do begin
- Count := 1 shl FImage.FBitsPerPixel;
- Stream.Read(Colors[0], Count * SizeOf(TGIFColorItem));
- if Count > ScreenDesc.BackgroundColorIndex then
- FBackgroundColor := ItemToRGB(Colors[ScreenDesc.BackgroundColorIndex]);
- end;
- end;
- function ReadDataBlock(Stream: TStream): TStrings;
- var
- BlockSize: Byte;
- S: string;
- begin
- Result := TStringlist.Create;
- try
- repeat
- Stream.Read(BlockSize, SizeOf(Byte));
- if BlockSize <> 0 then begin
- SetLength(S, BlockSize);
- Stream.Read(S[1], BlockSize);
- Result.Add(S);
- end;
- until (BlockSize = 0) or (Stream.Position >= Stream.Size);
- except
- Result.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- function ReadExtension(Stream: TStream): TExtension;
- var
- ExtensionLabel: Byte;
- begin
- Result := TExtension.Create;
- try
- Stream.Read(ExtensionLabel, SizeOf(Byte));
- with Result do
- if ExtensionLabel = ExtLabels[etGraphic] then begin
- { graphic control extension }
- FExtType := etGraphic;
- Stream.Read(FExtRec.GCE, SizeOf(TGraphicControlExtension));
- end
- else if ExtensionLabel = ExtLabels[etComment] then begin
- { comment extension }
- FExtType := etComment;
- FData := ReadDataBlock(Stream);
- end
- else if ExtensionLabel = ExtLabels[etPlainText] then begin
- { plain text extension }
- FExtType := etPlainText;
- Stream.Read(FExtRec.PTE, SizeOf(TPlainTextExtension));
- FData := ReadDataBlock(Stream);
- end
- else if ExtensionLabel = ExtLabels[etApplication] then begin
- { application extension }
- FExtType := etApplication;
- Stream.Read(FExtRec.APPE, SizeOf(TAppExtension));
- FData := ReadDataBlock(Stream);
- end
- else GifError(Format(LoadStr(SUnrecognizedGIFExt), [ExtensionLabel]));
- except
- Result.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- function ReadSeparator(Stream: TStream): Char;
- begin
- Result := #0;
- while (Stream.Size > Stream.Position) and (Result = #0) do
- Stream.Read(Result, SizeOf(Byte));
- end;
- function ReadExtensionBlock(Stream: TStream; var SeparatorChar: Char): TList;
- var
- NewExt: TExtension;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- try
- while SeparatorChar = CHR_EXT_INTRODUCER do begin
- NewExt := ReadExtension(Stream);
- if (NewExt.FExtType = etPlainText) then begin
- { plain text data blocks are not supported,
- clear all previous readed extensions }
- FreeExtensions(Result);
- Result := nil;
- end;
- if (NewExt.FExtType in [etPlainText, etApplication]) then begin
- { check for loop extension }
- if NewExt.IsLoopExtension then begin
- FLooping := True;
- FRepeatCount := Min(MakeWord(Byte(NewExt.FData[0][2]),
- Byte(NewExt.FData[0][3])), MAX_LOOP_COUNT);
- end;
- { not supported yet, must be ignored }
- NewExt.Free;
- end
- else begin
- if Result = nil then Result := TList.Create;
- Result.Add(NewExt);
- end;
- if Stream.Size > Stream.Position then
- SeparatorChar := ReadSeparator(Stream)
- else SeparatorChar := CHR_TRAILER;
- end;
- if (Result <> nil) and (Result.Count = 0) then begin
- Result.Free;
- Result := nil;
- end;
- except
- if Result <> nil then Result.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- var
- I: Integer;
- Ext: TExtension;
- begin
- NewImage;
- with FImage do begin
- Data := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- TMemoryStream(Data).SetSize(Size);
- Stream.ReadBuffer(Data.Memory^, Size);
- if Size > 0 then begin
- Data.Position := 0;
- ReadSignature(Data);
- ReadScreenDescriptor(Data);
- ReadGlobalColorMap(Data);
- SeparatorChar := ReadSeparator(Data);
- while not (SeparatorChar in [CHR_TRAILER, #0]) and not
- (Data.Position >= Data.Size) do
- begin
- Extensions := ReadExtensionBlock(Data, SeparatorChar);
- if SeparatorChar = CHR_IMAGE_SEPARATOR then
- try
- NewItem := TGIFFrame.Create(Self);
- try
- if FImage.FColorMap.Count > 0 then
- NewItem.FImage.FBitsPerPixel :=
- ColorsToBits(FImage.FColorMap.Count);
- NewItem.FExtensions := Extensions;
- Extensions := nil;
- NewItem.LoadFromStream(Data);
- FItems.Add(NewItem);
- except
- NewItem.Free;
- raise;
- end;
- if not (Data.Position >= Data.Size) then begin
- SeparatorChar := ReadSeparator(Data);
- end
- else SeparatorChar := CHR_TRAILER;
- if not (SeparatorChar in [CHR_EXT_INTRODUCER,
- begin
- SeparatorChar := #0;
- {GifError(LoadStr(SGIFDecodeError));}
- end;
- except
- FreeExtensions(Extensions);
- raise;
- end
- else if (FComment.Count = 0) and (Extensions <> nil) then begin
- try
- { trailig extensions }
- for I := 0 to Extensions.Count - 1 do begin
- Ext := TExtension(Extensions[I]);
- if (Ext <> nil) and (Ext.FExtType = etComment) then begin
- if FComment.Count > 0 then
- FComment.Add(#13#10#13#10);
- FComment.AddStrings(Ext.FData);
- end;
- end;
- finally
- FreeExtensions(Extensions);
- end;
- end
- else if not (SeparatorChar in [CHR_TRAILER, #0]) then
- GifError(ResStr(SReadError));
- end;
- end;
- finally
- Data.Free;
- end;
- end;
- if Count > 0 then begin
- FFrameIndex := 0;
- if ForceDecode then
- try
- GetBitmap; { force bitmap creation }
- except
- Frames[0].Free;
- FItems.Delete(0);
- raise;
- end;
- end;
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- PaletteModified := True;
- {$ENDIF}
- Changed(Self);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.SaveToClipboardFormat(var AFormat: Word; var AData: THandle;
- var APalette: HPALETTE);
- var
- Stream: TMemoryStream;
- Data: THandle;
- Buffer: Pointer;
- I: Integer;
- begin
- { !! check for gif clipboard format, mime type image/gif }
- if FItems.Count = 0 then Exit;
- Frames[0].Bitmap.SaveToClipboardFormat(AFormat, AData, APalette);
- for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do
- with Frames[I] do begin
- if (FImage.FImageData = nil) or (FImage.FImageData.Size = 0) then
- Exit;
- end;
- Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- WriteStream(Stream, True);
- Stream.Position := 0;
- Data := GlobalAlloc(HeapAllocFlags, Stream.Size);
- try
- if Data <> 0 then begin
- Buffer := GlobalLock(Data);
- try
- Stream.Read(Buffer^, Stream.Size);
- SetClipboardData(CF_GIF, Data);
- finally
- GlobalUnlock(Data);
- end;
- end;
- except
- GlobalFree(Data);
- raise;
- end;
- finally
- Stream.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.WriteData(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- WriteStream(Stream, True);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.SetHeight(Value: Integer);
- begin
- GifError(LoadStr(SChangeGIFSize));
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.SetWidth(Value: Integer);
- begin
- GifError(LoadStr(SChangeGIFSize));
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.WriteStream(Stream: TStream; WriteSize: Boolean);
- var
- Separator: Char;
- Temp: Byte;
- FrameNo: Integer;
- Frame: TGIFFrame;
- Mem: TMemoryStream;
- Size: Longint;
- StrList: TStringList;
- procedure WriteSignature(Stream: TStream);
- var
- Header: TGIFHeader;
- begin
- Header.Signature := GIFSignature;
- Move(GIFVersionStr[FVersion][0], Header.Version[0], 3);
- Stream.Write(Header, SizeOf(TGIFHeader));
- end;
- procedure WriteScreenDescriptor(Stream: TStream);
- var
- ColorResBits: Byte;
- ScreenDesc: TScreenDescriptor;
- I: Integer;
- begin
- UpdateScreenSize;
- with ScreenDesc do begin
- ScreenWidth := Self.FScreenWidth;
- ScreenHeight := Self.FScreenHeight;
- AspectRatio := FImage.FAspectRatio;
- PackedFields := 0;
- BackgroundColorIndex := 0;
- if FImage.FColorMap.Count > 0 then begin
- PackedFields := PackedFields or LSD_GLOBAL_COLOR_TABLE;
- ColorResBits := ColorsToBits(FImage.FColorMap.Count);
- if FBackgroundColor <> clNone then
- for I := 0 to FImage.FColorMap.Count - 1 do
- if ColorToRGB(FBackgroundColor) =
- ItemToRGB(FImage.FColorMap.Colors[I]) then
- begin
- BackgroundColorIndex := I;
- Break;
- end;
- PackedFields := PackedFields + ((ColorResBits - 1) shl 4) +
- (FImage.FBitsPerPixel - 1);
- end;
- end;
- Stream.Write(ScreenDesc, SizeOf(ScreenDesc));
- end;
- procedure WriteDataBlock(Stream: TStream; Data: TStrings);
- var
- I: Integer;
- S: string;
- BlockSize: Byte;
- begin
- for I := 0 to Data.Count - 1 do begin
- S := Data[I];
- BlockSize := Min(Length(S), 255);
- if BlockSize > 0 then begin
- Stream.Write(BlockSize, SizeOf(Byte));
- Stream.Write(S[1], BlockSize);
- end;
- end;
- BlockSize := 0;
- Stream.Write(BlockSize, SizeOf(Byte));
- end;
- procedure WriteExtensionBlock(Stream: TStream; Extensions: TList);
- var
- I: Integer;
- Ext: TExtension;
- ExtensionLabel: Byte;
- SeparateChar: Char;
- begin
- SeparateChar := CHR_EXT_INTRODUCER;
- for I := 0 to Extensions.Count - 1 do begin
- Ext := TExtension(Extensions[I]);
- if Ext <> nil then begin
- Stream.Write(SeparateChar, SizeOf(Byte));
- ExtensionLabel := ExtLabels[Ext.FExtType];
- Stream.Write(ExtensionLabel, SizeOf(Byte));
- case Ext.FExtType of
- etGraphic:
- begin
- Stream.Write(Ext.FExtRec.GCE, SizeOf(TGraphicControlExtension));
- end;
- etComment: WriteDataBlock(Stream, Ext.FData);
- etPlainText:
- begin
- Stream.Write(Ext.FExtRec.PTE, SizeOf(TPlainTextExtension));
- WriteDataBlock(Stream, Ext.FData);
- end;
- etApplication:
- begin
- Stream.Write(Ext.FExtRec.APPE, SizeOf(TAppExtension));
- WriteDataBlock(Stream, Ext.FData);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- begin
- if FItems.Count = 0 then GifError(LoadStr(SNoGIFData));
- EncodeFrames(False);
- Mem := TMemoryStream.Create;
- try
- if FImage.FComment.Count > 0 then FVersion := gv89a;
- WriteSignature(Mem);
- WriteScreenDescriptor(Mem);
- if FImage.FColorMap.Count > 0 then begin
- with FImage.FColorMap do
- Mem.Write(Colors[0], Count * SizeOf(TGIFColorItem));
- end;
- if FLooping and (FItems.Count > 1) then begin
- { write looping extension }
- Separator := CHR_EXT_INTRODUCER;
- Mem.Write(Separator, SizeOf(Byte));
- Temp := ExtLabels[etApplication];
- Mem.Write(Temp, SizeOf(Byte));
- Temp := SizeOf(TAppExtension) - SizeOf(Byte);
- Mem.Write(Temp, SizeOf(Byte));
- Mem.Write(LoopExtNS[1], Temp);
- StrList := TStringList.Create;
- try
- StrList.Add(Char(AE_LOOPING) + Char(LoByte(FRepeatCount)) +
- Char(HiByte(FRepeatCount)));
- WriteDataBlock(Mem, StrList);
- finally
- StrList.Free;
- end;
- end;
- for FrameNo := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do begin
- Frame := TGIFFrame(FItems[FrameNo]);
- if Frame.FExtensions <> nil then
- WriteExtensionBlock(Mem, Frame.FExtensions);
- Mem.Write(Separator, SizeOf(Byte));
- Frame.WriteImageDescriptor(Mem);
- Frame.WriteLocalColorMap(Mem);
- Frame.WriteRasterData(Mem);
- end;
- if FImage.FComment.Count > 0 then begin
- Separator := CHR_EXT_INTRODUCER;
- Mem.Write(Separator, SizeOf(Byte));
- Temp := ExtLabels[etComment];
- Mem.Write(Temp, SizeOf(Byte));
- WriteDataBlock(Mem, FImage.FComment);
- end;
- Separator := CHR_TRAILER;
- Mem.Write(Separator, SizeOf(Byte));
- Size := Mem.Size;
- if WriteSize then Stream.Write(Size, SizeOf(Size));
- Stream.Write(Mem.Memory^, Size);
- finally
- Mem.Free;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.Grayscale(ForceEncoding: Boolean);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- if FItems.Count = 0 then GifError(LoadStr(SNoGIFData));
- for I := 0 to FItems.Count - 1 do
- Frames[I].GrayscaleImage(ForceEncoding);
- if FBackgroundColor <> clNone then begin
- if FImage.FColorMap.Count > 0 then begin
- I := FindColorIndex(FImage.FColorMap, FBackgroundColor);
- GrayColorTable(FImage.FColorMap);
- if I >= 0 then
- FBackgroundColor := ItemToRGB(FImage.FColorMap.Colors[I])
- else FBackgroundColor := GrayColor(FBackgroundColor);
- end
- else FBackgroundColor := GrayColor(FBackgroundColor);
- end;
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- PaletteModified := True;
- {$ENDIF}
- Changed(Self);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.SaveToStream(Stream: TStream);
- begin
- WriteStream(Stream, False);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.DoProgress(Stage: TProgressStage; PercentDone: Byte;
- const Msg: string);
- begin
- Progress(Self, Stage, PercentDone, False, Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), Msg);
- end;
- procedure TGIFImage.Progress(Sender: TObject; Stage: TProgressStage;
- PercentDone: Byte; RedrawNow: Boolean; const R: TRect; const Msg: string);
- begin
- if Assigned(FOnProgress) then
- FOnProgress(Sender, Stage, PercentDone, RedrawNow, R, Msg);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- initialization
- CF_GIF := RegisterClipboardFormat('GIF Image');
- RegisterClasses([TGIFFrame, TGIFImage]);
- TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('gif', LoadStr(SGIFImage), TGIFImage);
- TPicture.RegisterClipboardFormat(CF_GIF, TGIFImage);
- {$IFDEF RX_D3}
- finalization
- TPicture.UnRegisterGraphicClass(TGIFImage);
- {$ENDIF}
- {$ENDIF}
- end.